3. Development Process
September 2015 · 2 minute read
I am going to build a very simple Personal Budgeting App with Ruby on Rails. This tutorial will go through the development process I have taken to get started.
1. After thinking of the idea and going through it in my mind a few times, I grab a piece of paper and brainstorm. I write down everything I think of, sometimes scribbling over things that I had already written out.
2. Now to the computer. Using the following program I am going to mock up my app. How it’s going to look and work. Plan out the idea that I’ve got in my mind.
The image above is how I am currently visualising the base layout of the app to be. It is likely a large amount of this will change as I continue to build. The diagrams below describe various models that I will incorporate into the app. It is most likely that each model or pair of modals shown will be represented on the screen in a similar way.
3. Following the steps from my earlier tutorial, I am going to set up a new Ruby on Rails Project called “MyBudget” which will be stored in a Github repository. The repo will updated along with tutorials here at http://www.selenasmall.com as I build the app.
Setting up with Ruby on Rails tutorial https://wordpress.com/post/96865345/100/
Github working model https://github.com/SelenaSmall/My_Budget