
10. Refactor routes

September 2015 · 4 minute read

When refactoring, it's a good idea to visualise or draw a diagram of how the outcome is going to look. I'm going to use what I've created so far and refactor the working parts that I want to use into my main page.
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9. Create Forms

September 2015 · 4 minute read

First, I'm going to create an _incomes_form.html.erb partial is a data entry form which will allow me to input data regarding income information and then save it to the main page. It will also redirect back to an updated index page once data entry is complete.
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8. Page Links

September 2015 · 3 minute read

Now that I have my layouts set up and some working partials. I can follow my previous partials instruction set to render a form which will update my income information. Of course I'll need a few modifications in my income controller as well.
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7. Create Controllers

September 2015 · 2 minute read

Now that I have successfully created a model and migrated a database for income, it's time to create controllers and views to be able to access the income information visually.
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6. Create Models

September 2015 · 2 minute read

In this example I will be using rake and Active Record Migrations to create a new income model backed by a posgreSQL database.
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5. Create partials

September 2015 · 2 minute read

What are partials? Partials in rails are views which enable you to create layouts with multiple content sections. I am going to nest three content partial views within the right hand column (also a partial) of my app to render a budgets summary section which will each eventually draw information from different models.
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4. Render Base Scaffold

September 2015 · 3 minute read

In this tutorial, I am endeavouring to get the base of my app looking how I would like it, so I can create an initial building block to start from. It will enable me to complete models as I go.
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3. Development Process

September 2015 · 2 minute read

I am going to build a very simple Personal Budgeting App with Ruby on Rails. This tutorial will go through the development process I have taken to get started.
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2. Layouts with Bootstrap

August 2015 · 2 minute read

For quick and easy layout designs I have integrated Bootstrap. It means you don't need to waste a whole lot of time learning/designing how your application is going to look. It gives you enough, though to present a professional looking front end.
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1. Quick set up your local Rails env

August 2015 · 1 minute read

Quick set up your local env with Rails for a new application. The following tutorial takes you through the first steps I took to generate my blank rails application on mac os x. This is where I will begin...
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